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I have an MSc in Creative Writing for Therapeutic Purposes.
My dissertation was a Poetic Inquiry exploring my motherhood journey.
Here is a collection of poems reflecting my love for nature, literature, friends and family.

A poem about my love for writing and books
Turning Pages
I wanted to be on the inside,
When I was young,
So, I could swim in a chocolate lake,
Dive down the rabbit hole,
Climb the faraway tree,
Jump into the Briar bush.
Watch pheasants fall from the sky.
But, reality bites
Oh so quickly
And you can’t live
Your life
Through a book
Years have passed
And the pages
Are yellowed
Some of them
Ripped at the seams
So now, I turn them more carefully,
But no more do I run from my dreams.

A poem about enjoying nature. Taking time out.
Making Time
There is still time.
Finish that list
all the things
you should do
you’re 11¾.
Blow a grass trumpet,
Let shapes cloud the sky
Grab a kite
Run until you can’t breathe
Lie in the long grass
pick flowers on the hill
There is
still time.
A poem about growing older, inspired by my favourite walk on a fossil beach
in my home county of Somerset.

Childishly, gleefully
jumping over rocks,
skidding on seaweed
hunting dinosaur bones
mysteries of the past
I’m fossilising…
A solitary walk
across the cliff tops
hares jab and jibe
one ready to mate
the other, not quite
Spring lambs gambol
bluebells blossom
sunlight glistens
new beginnings
as two become one
We’re fossilising…
Rip the slate free
bring it crashing down
dust shatters
ammonites shining
hidden treasure inside
The clatter of little feet
chasing cross the rocks
slipping on seaweed
heart-stopping moments
as two become three
Happy fossilising…
Sea salt licks my skin
deposits white lines
along facial crevices,
as the wind whistles
through medusa hair
Stop at a rock pool
and stare down into
an alien landscape
rippled and distorted
like the passage of time
Rip the slate free
Bring it crashing down
So it breaks and shatters
Hunting more treasure
finding emptiness inside
I’m fossilising fast…
Yet, with childish glee
I clamour craggy rocks
squelching on seaweed,
head down searching,
hopefully for the past
Ancient stone
and brittle
frail and insecure
The rutted fossil
etched upon its face
beautiful and tactile
its mysteries unknow